Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Improve Your Self Esteem Now

You deserve to have high self esteem!

Discover the secrets to having extremely
high self esteem:

Improve Your Self Esteem Now - Click Here

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Monday, September 29, 2008

Brian Tracy - Famous Quote

"Act boldly and unseen forces will
come to your aid." - Brian Tracy -

Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Friday, September 26, 2008

An Attitude Of Gratitude

Gratitude Can Be Your Biggest
Factor In Creating And Maintaining
True Happiness.

What are you grateful for?

How much time do you really spend
appreciating what you have NOW in your life?

Gratitude is so important. When you are feeling grateful
for the blessings in your life, you can't help but feel good.

Gratitude carries so much power! Life is energy, feelings and
emotions are energy. Gratitude is one of the most powerful
feelings that you can have.

The feeling of gratitude manifests greatness in your life.

Sometimes we get so caught up in life, that we begin to take our
blessings for granted. We don't stop to really recognize and appreciate
all of the wonderful blessings in our life.

Take time every day to stop and recognize all that you
are grateful for.

I would highly encourage you to take time every day to
write down all that you are grateful for.

Whatever we focus on increases in our life.

The more you are truly grateful for, the more you
will be given to be grateful for. That is the natural
law of the Universe.

I am grateful that I was able to share this message with you : )

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Henri Frederic Amiel - Famous Quote

"The man who has no inner life is
the slave of his surroundings."
- Henri Frederic Amiel -

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

More Joy = More Happiness

How can you do more joyful activities?

One of the greatest keys to true happiness is
having an abundance of joy in your life.

What is joyful to you?
What adds joy to your life?

Really ask yourself that.
Grab a pen and paper and write down
everything that adds joy to your life.

Now write down the question:

"How can I do more of these joyful activities

in my life?"

"How can I have more joy in my life?"

I would also encourage you to write and speak
out loud this affirmation every day:

"I am so happy and grateful now that I
allow an overflowing abundance of joy
to flow into my life easily and effortlessly.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sleep Is Necessary For Happiness

Happiness can be difficult, when you
don't get enough rest.

Take care of yourself. Make a solid effort
to get a good nights sleep every night.

When we are overly tired, we begin to
feel weak. Happiness comes from strength.

Be good to yourself, take time to rest.

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Do What You Love For A Living

Hi! Join me live tonight 9/21 at 5pm PST
on 'Empower Hour Radio'.

We will be joined by popular success coach, Elmas Vincent.
He will share the secrets of doing what you love for a living
and being successful doing it. Attract your career filled with
Joy, Passion and Purpose!

Listen live form your computer at www.empowerhourradio.com

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Be Who You Want To Attract

Be who you want to attract!

Are you looking to attract the right friends?

Are you looking to attract your perfect romantic partner?

Are you looking to attract certain business contacts?

The best way to attract the kind of person that you want to attract,
is to become that kind of person.

Take a good honest look at yourself. Do you
posses and express the qualities that you
want in others.

Remember, like attracts like.

To attract the ideal people in your life,
become your ideal self.

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Friday, September 19, 2008

Take Time For Self Reflection

Self reflection is one of the biggest
keys to happiness.

To be happy and remain happy, it is necessary
to check in with yourself. It is important to
take a look at every aspect of your life.

Is anything out of balance?

Are you feeling happy?

How do you feel?

Why are you feeling that way?

What needs to change in order for
you to feel happiness?

Take time to be alone, get quiet and check in with
yourself. It is so important.

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Willa Cather - Famous Quote

"Where there is great love,
there are always wishes."
- Willa Cather -

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Is Your Life In Harmony?

You need to have harmony in your life.

One of the biggest reasons why people
are not happy, is because their lives
are out of harmony.

Take a good look at your life. Look at people
in your life's life. Are all of the major areas
of your life in harmony with each other?

There is so much constantly happening in
life, all the time.

There is a lot that we have to handle in life,
work, family, fun, social activities,
taking care of your health and physical body,
taking care of your mind, your romantic life, etc.....

It is so important to pay equal attention and give equal energy
to ALL of these areas.

So many times you see someone that excels in business and finances,
but their health and/or relationships are in terrible shape; or you see
someone that is very into their religion or spirituality and do great in
that area but their financial life is in bad shape; and so on and so on.

Make it a point to check in with yourself often, and see where
you are at in all areas of your life.

I would encourage you to go through each of the following key
areas listed below and rate each area on a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being perfect,
1 being no good) I encourage you to write this down.

Romance & Intimacy

Physical Environment (Work & Home)

Fun & Recreation

Career & Life Purpose

Spiritual Alignment

Family & Friends



How does this look to you?

Are you surprised with what you wrote?

What changes do you need to make to balance your life?

How can you become a 6 or above in every area of your life?

Make the necessary changes, you deserve it!

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Let Spirit Guide Your Life

Would you like happiness all the time?

If yes, then live from spirit all the time.

Do you live the majority of your life from spirit
or from ego?

Look at your life, look at the choices you make,
the actions you take.

Are your actions ego based or spirit based?

Do your actions and choices benefit all or only you?

Happiness is all your inner spirit knows. When you
are completely connected to spirit, happiness is
your ONLY option. Your inner spirit does not know
sadness or anger or depression. Your inner spirit
only knows happiness, bliss and joy.

Take time every day, many times, to get quiet
and reconnect to your inner spirit, the TRUE YOU.

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Monday, September 15, 2008

Napoleon Hill - Famous Quote

"The single greatest trait of successful people,
is the process of accurate thinking."
- Napoleon Hill -

Receive more valuable wisdom from
Napoleon Hill:

Napoleon Hill - Click Here Now!

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Release The Past, Appreciate The Present

To truly live abundantly in the present, we
must dismiss the past.The past can act as an
anchor that holds us back from being truly
happy and abundant in the present moment.

We must learn to accept this universal truth, now
is all there ever is. Nothing else exist, besides
from this present moment. When you spend your time
thinking about the past or the future, you
are in a fantasy land. Your fantasies of the
past may seem very real, our mind is quite
powerful. Through the power of our mind, we can .....Read More

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Friday, September 12, 2008

Embracing Change

You cannot stop change!

Change is constant and guaranteed
to always be there.

If you fight change, happiness will be a challenge.

For most people, change is one of the
scariest things in life.

A healthy mindset to come from, in regards
to change, is to understand that ALL change
is there for your benefit, even the "bad" change.

Without change we cannot grow. Growth is
necessary. I heard once that humans are like
flowers; if we are not growing, we are dying.

You cannot stop change.

One of the key ingredients to achieving
and maintaining true happiness is to
embrace change.

Embrace change and believe in your higher good,
trust that better circumstances are on their way
to you.

Even when change is "ugly" trust that it is
their to help you. Everything happens for a reason.

I Invite you to listen to a replay of my Internet Talk
Radio Show 'Empower Hour Radio', as we talk about
how to embrace change in every area of your life.

Click Here To Listen Now!

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Aristotle - Inspirational Quote

"We must no more ask whether the soul
and body are one than ask whether the
wax and the figure impressed on it are one."

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Keep Your Thoughts On What You Want In Life

How can I receive what I truly want in life???

You can attract what you truly want in life by focusing
on what you truly want in life!!!!

So many people focus on what they don't want in life.

"I don't want to be late" "I don't want to be broke anymore"
"I don't want my boss to yell at me today" "I don't want to be
sick anymore"

Just change your thinking to the opposite:

"I am now on time" "I now financially wealthy and abundant"
"My boss always treats me with kindness and respect"
"I am always perfectly healthy"

That's it, just keep your mind and thoughts
focused on what you do want. Not what you
don't want.

YES.........It is that simple!!!!!

The law of attraction will bring what you
think about....whether you want it or not!!!

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Friday, September 5, 2008

How Can You Feel Good Right Now?

Your Inner Feelings Create Your Outer Reality!!!

To create a happy life, focus on feeling good!!!

Constantly ask yourself, "How can I feel good right now?"

After you ask the question, pay attention to the answer
and take action on your inner guidance.

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Transform Your Life With Your Subconscious Mind

You Are The Creator Of Your Life!

Through your thoughts, feelings and actions,
you create your outer reality.

It is the Subconscious Mind that creates.

It is the Subconscious mind that dictates your
thoughts, feelings and actions.

Do you ever notice yourself REACTING to situations
without really feeling that you have any control?
Do you ever notice your self going through your
life on 'autopilot'?

Do you find yourself always making the same
decisions, in similar situations, creating the
same results?

The subconscious and unconscious mind make up
90% of your mind power. The conscious mind only
makes up 10%.

It is the subconscious mind that dictates your
thoughts, feelings, actions, life views, etc.......

You can change the information and patterns
that are stored in your subconscious mind.

Self Hypnosis is one of the most powerful and
effective ways to change the patterns in your
subconscious mind, to create what you want.

You can use self hypnosis to change habits, attract
relationships, overcome fears, manifest more money and
even physical change.

Find out more about the benefits of self hypnosis and make
the changes that you desire from the comfort and privacy of your
own home, now.

Go to: www.hypnotherapymindpower.com

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tap Into And Follow Your Own Inner Flow

You want happiness???

Follow YOUR flow!

What does your inner feeling guide you
to do?

When your mind is telling you that you SHOULD
be doing something, do you feel a lot of inner

Follow that inner resistance. Whatever it is that
you feel you should be doing maybe does have
to get done, but that resistance is telling you
'now is not the time'.

When your inner feeling conflicts with your thoughts,
always follow your inner feeling,
even if it doesn't make logical sense.

Ryan Pearson

Personal Empowerment Coach