Thursday, July 31, 2008

Discover Your Life Purpose

What is my purpose? Why am I here? These are the top
two questions that most people ask themselves throughout
their entire life. Many people never find the answer.

Finding your life's purpose is a necessity to live a
happy and fulfilling life. Sometimes your life purpose
will find you.

If we lived in a world where everyone was living their
highest divine purpose, we would literally have heaven
on earth. Everyone's highest purpose involves benefiting
the whole. To give you a clue of what your higher purpose
may be, I guarantee you that it is something that will..... Read More

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mandy Marcet - Poem

"I'm not Perfect
Flaw by Flaw
You can rip me apart
Not like me at all
You can see all my wrongs
Point out my mistakes
Push me away
Whatever it takes
It's your choice completely
It's all up to you
The way that you see me
Whatever you True.

You can choose to accept me
Have compassion and be Kind
Unconditionally Love me
What you seek you Will find
Focus on my good qualities
Ignore all the Bad
see my true value
even if I make you mad
When you change the way you see me.
I Magically will be
A Beautiful Loving Person
Now go forth and set me Free"

-Mandy Marcet-

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Course In Miracles - 5

This is the final video in the
five video series about The
History Of A Course In Miracles.

If you would like to watch the previous
four videos, go to the "Blog Archives",
on the bottom of the right side of this
blog. Click on July 2008 and find the
blogs titled 'A Course In Miracles', with
the appropriate number following.

This is video 5 of 5. 9 min 32 sec:

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Monday, July 28, 2008

A Course In Miracles - 4

A History Of A Course In Miracles
Video 4 of 5. 9 min 20 sec:

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Attract Money Using Mind Power

You can attract abundant amounts
of money using your mind power.

The reason why people struggle financially
and experience lack is because of the
limiting beliefs that they hold in their mind.

It is absolutely possible to change your
beliefs about money and use your
mind as a powerful magnet to attract
overflowing financial abundance.

Tomorrow evening, Sunday 7/27, we
will be joined, on 'Empower Hour Radio',
by the 'The Mind Power Expert', James
Goi Jr. James will explain the exact steps
that you can take to activate your mind power
and transform your mind into being a powerful
money magnet.

Join us live Sunday 7/27 at 8pm PST, by listening
live from your computer at

You do not want to miss this opportunity that can
keep money flowing abundantly into your life

You can begin activating your mind power now, to
manifest more money in your life, with self hypnosis.
Click the image below:


Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Course In Miracles - 3

A History Of A Course In Miracles
Video 3 of 5. 9 min 47 sec:

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Course In Miracles - 2

This is video 2 of 5
for the history of
A Course In Miracles.
This video is 9 min 21 sec:

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Course In Miracles - 1

This is a video that talks about the
history of A Course In Miracles and
how it came to be.

This is video 1 of a 5 video series.
This video is 4 min 47 sec:

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mother Teresa - Famous Quote

"Life is a promise; fulfill it."
-Mother Teresa-

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Monday, July 21, 2008

"Everyday Enlightenment" - Dan Millman

(Click Image)
The Peaceful Warrior’s Path to Everyday Enlightenment
(Click Image)

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happiness Is A Choice

Happiness is a choice.

Many people live their life in the search for
happiness. For many people this search continues
their whole life, and they never "find" happiness.

Part of the problem with the search for happiness
is that you are searching outside of yourself for
your happiness. Happiness does not lie in some
outside circumstance, person, place or thing.
Happiness is found within you.

We have the power to choose happiness at any time.
We all have the power to choose happiness now. It
doesn't matter what is going on in your life, you....

(Read More-Click Here)

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Thursday, July 17, 2008

There Is Perfection In Everything

There is perfection in everything.

Sometimes we experience frustration
or sadness because we have expectations
about how something will end up working
out or happening in a certain way, but
it doesn't.

It is important to realize that our
conscious minds often times don't
see the big picture. The Higher Power
is always at work and has a much greater
perspective of how each event in our life
will effect future events and how they will
effect us.

We must trust that when something does
not work out according to our expectations
there is a higher reason for it, that is beyond
our limited perspective.

The Higher Power is always working for our
greatest good, even when circumstances in
our life looks grim. There is a higher purpose
to everything that happens in our life.

Sometimes when something does not work out the
way we had hoped or expected, it is because if
it had happened that way, it would have been
disastrous, possibly even lethal.

Sometimes when things do not work out the way
we had hoped or expected, it is because this way
we will experience more growth or a very important

One of the greatest ways to experience inner
peace and happiness is to release expectations
to things happening in a certain way. Trust
in the divine perfection of everything that

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Inspirational Quote - Anonymous

"Love has nothing to do with what you are
expecting to get, it's what you are expecting
to give--which is everything" - Anonymous -

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


What are you addicted to?

You may be addicted to things and
not even realize it.

So many times when people think of
addiction, they associate it with drugs
or alcohol.

There are many other things that people
are addicted to besides from drugs and

Here are some examples of things that people
can be addicted to:
  • Sweets (Sugar)
  • Caffeine
  • T.V.
  • Sex
  • Porn
  • Adultery
  • Lying
  • Soap Operas
  • Buying Things (Books, Gadgets, Cookie Jars, etc....)
  • Shopping
  • Relationships
  • Drama
  • Prescription Meds
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • Tobacco
  • Movies
  • Food
  • Comfort Eating
  • Over Eating
  • Self Ridicule
  • Judging Self and Others
  • Plus Much More!
What are you addicted to?

The definition for addiction in the
'Wiktionary' (The dictionary on
is the following:

  1. The state of being addicted; devotion; inclination.
  2. A habit or practice that damages, jeopardizes or shortens one's life but when ceased causes trauma.
  3. A pathological relationship to mood altering experience that has life damaging consequences.
I will add, it is an act that you do not have control over,
it controls you.

Think about television. Many people are addicted to t.v. and
don't realize it. Do you get 'bent out of shape' if you miss your
favorite show? Can you come home from work and spend an
evening without turning on the t.v., and not feel completely

What things on the list above, or things that are not on that
list, if you stop doing them for any length of time, you will
feel completely uncomfortable and have your mood effected?

If you cannot stop doing something, without feeling completely
off, uncomfortable and have your mood affected in an adverse
way, you are probably addicted.

Take a closer look at your life. What is controlling you? Look
at everything in your life, that you thought you were in control
of, and imagine not doing those things for 30 days. How would
that feel for you?

Put yourself to the test and stop that thing for 30 days? Can you???

You have the power to take control of your life!

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Monday, July 14, 2008

W.L. Hunt - Famous Quote

"The first key to success is to decide
exactly what it is you want in life."
- W.L. Hunt -

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Saturday, July 12, 2008

An Interview With Ryan Pearson

Join Me This Sunday 7/13
at 8pm PST On 'Empower Hour

Lesley Pelkey will be interviewing me
and I will be interviewing Lesley,
to expose the secrets to creating
happiness and personal success
in your life.

Mark it on your calender, 7/13 at 8pm PST.
Go to the website now and save it to your
favorites, for easy access.

Listen live at

60 minutes that will transform your life forever!

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hypnosis MP3 Downloads

You can use Self Hypnosis from
home to make just about any
change in your life that you

Use the power of Hypnosis to
benefit your life. Type the
name of any area in your life
that you would like to improve
in the box below.

Search our hypnosis library below or view over 300 hypnosis downloads
Search for:

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Forgiveness Is Key To Your Healing

To Heal Yourself You Must Forgive
Yourself And You Must Forgive Others

Without unconditional forgiveness we cannot
fully heal. Most dis-ease is created by unchecked
resentment and anger towards ourselves or others.

I believe many people can grasp the concept of
forgiving others. What I have found what most people
have an issue with is forgiving themselves.

What resentment are you holding onto?

What circumstances in your life do you
continue to blame others for; what do you
continue to blame and beat up yourself

One act of forgiveness, true forgiveness, can
completely transform your life.

I know it can be hard when someone, or
yourself, has committed a horrible act, to
forgive. You must understand that it
is necessary for your well being to go into
the deepest depths of your heart and completely
forgive yourself and every single person in
your life that has "wronged" you or someone
you care about.

You cannot completely heal and be your best
self without complete and absolute forgiveness
to others.

You must not only forgive people in your own
life, you must also forgive the people you do
not know personally. You must forgive all
of the people that you read about in newspapers
or hear about on TV.

Forgiveness and Unconditional Love lead you
to the path of Enlightenment!

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lao Tzu - Famous Quote

"An integral being knows without going,
sees without looking, and accomplishes
without doing."
-Lao Tzu-

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Send Out Unconditional Love

Whatever we send out, we
automatically receive back.

If you give more money, you
will receive more money.

If you give more compliments,
you will receive more compliments.

If you give happy vibes, you will
receive happy vibes.

Now this goes the same for the

If you give anger, you will receive

If you steal, you will be stolen from.

If you lie, you will be lied to.

If you judge others, you will be

Be very aware of what you are sending
out to the Universe, because it will come
back to you.

How would you like an abundance of
Unconditional Love in your life ???

If you answered yes, then send out
abundant amounts of Unconditional Love!

Send silent thoughts of love to everyone that
you encounter, even strangers that you pass
on the street. They will receive it, whether
they realize it or not. And it will come back
to you!

Even when someone is rude to you or has
a bad attitude with you, that is especially
when you need to send them unconditional

You are invited to join The S.O.U.L. System.

S.O.U.L. is an acronym for Sending Out Unconditional
Love. The S.O.U.L. System Life Guide is designed to
keep you uplifted and inspire you to maintain, send
and receive more unconditional love in your life.

The value of The S.O.U.L. System Life Guide is
$47 per month, however, at this time, you may
join for FREE (For Life!).

Take 20 seconds and get set up now, by going


Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Monday, July 7, 2008

Develop The Leader Within You

Are you ready to become the leader
that you were born to be?

We all have the potential to be
a great leader in both our business
and personal lives.

It is up to you to tap into that potential
and develop the leadership qualities
hidden within you.

We were joined last night, on Empower
Hour Radio, by the Co-Creator of
the powerful book series 'The Power
Of Leadership', Debbra Sweet.

Take advantage of this amazing opportunity
to listen to this life transforming show.

You can listen to the replay now, by clicking
here - Click Here

You are a natural born leader you are
destined for greatness!

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Balance - Leonardo DaVinci - Quote

"Every now and then go away,
have a little relaxation, for when
you come back to your work your
judgment will be surer; since to
remain constantly at work will
cause you to lose power of judgment...

Go some distance away because
the work appears smaller and
more of it can be taken in at a glance,
and a lack of harmony or proportion
is more readily seen."
-Leonardo DaVinci-

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Never Judge A Person By Appearance

Never judge a person by
their appearance.

A lot of times we immediately
put judgments, form opinions
and think that we know something
about someone just by the way
they look, how they dress, the expression
on their face, etc.....

When you release your opinions and
judgments of people and see the God
within them, people will amaze you.

I had a wonderful experience last night.
I met up with a group of about 10 or
so friends last night. We like to get together
and have "Higher Vibration Conversation".

We were at an outdoor plaza, it was about 10pm.
There are comfortable couches and chairs outside,
and we all sit and talk about spirituality, how
to do good in the world and philosophize about

As we were sitting there, there was a gentleman
hanging around, close to our group. He looked
as though he was homeless and intoxicated.

It was natural for me to feel compassion and love for
him, as one of my brothers. I wanted to go over
to him and invite him into our group. However
my mind jumped in and made assumptions,
like he wouldn't be able to relate to our
conversation or he wouldn't be interested
in what we were talking about. So
I just sent him loving energy and let him be.

There was an open chair to my right. The
gentleman ended up coming right over to me,
sat down and started talking. We ended up
talking a couple of hours and it was a
most interesting and fascinating conversation.
We talked about very deep and important content
that resonated very much with some of my major

He appeared to be in his mid 50's. He was very
intelligent. He was basically homeless by choice,
he stayed with his parents sometimes, but
other than that he roamed the street, went
"dumpster diving" and absolutely enjoyed it.

His name is Clyde. Meeting Clyde and talking with
him for those few hours was an incredible blessing
that I am extremely grateful for.

See the God in everyone and be open to
finding out who a person truly is, before
you place judgments, form opinions and
think that you know who they are. You
may learn something that can transform
who you are.

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach