Never judge a person bytheir appearance.
A lot of times we immediately
put judgments, form opinions
and think that we know something
about someone just by the way
they look, how they dress, the expression
on their face, etc.....
When you release your opinions and
judgments of people and see the God
within them, people will amaze you.
I had a wonderful experience last night.
I met up with a group of about 10 or
so friends last night. We like to get together
and have "Higher Vibration Conversation".
We were at an outdoor plaza, it was about 10pm.
There are comfortable couches and chairs outside,
and we all sit and talk about spirituality, how
to do good in the world and philosophize about
As we were sitting there, there was a gentleman
hanging around, close to our group. He looked
as though he was homeless and intoxicated.
It was natural for me to feel compassion and love for
him, as one of my brothers. I wanted to go over
to him and invite him into our group. However
my mind jumped in and made assumptions,
like he wouldn't be able to relate to our
conversation or he wouldn't be interested
in what we were talking about. So
I just sent him loving energy and let him be.
There was an open chair to my right. The
gentleman ended up coming right over to me,
sat down and started talking. We ended up
talking a couple of hours and it was a
most interesting and fascinating conversation.
We talked about very deep and important content
that resonated very much with some of my major
He appeared to be in his mid 50's. He was very
intelligent. He was basically homeless by choice,
he stayed with his parents sometimes, but
other than that he roamed the street, went
"dumpster diving" and absolutely enjoyed it.
His name is Clyde. Meeting Clyde and talking withhim for those few hours was an incredible blessingthat I am extremely grateful for.
See the God in everyone and be open to
finding out who a person truly is, before
you place judgments, form opinions and
think that you know who they are. You
may learn something that can transform
who you are.
Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach