Monday, June 30, 2008

The Opus - Paving It Forward - Elisabeth Fayt

You may have missed a life transforming
experience last night 6/29.

Elisabeth Fayt, author of the breakthrough
book "Paving it Forward" and one of the
stars of the new hit movie 'The Opus',
was our very special guest, last night,
on 'Empower Hour Radio'.

Elisabeth shared teachings and insights
that can radically transform your life
into a life of Clarity, Purpose and Passion.

As a Law Of Attraction Coach, Elisabeth
Fayt has taught thousands of people
how to use the Universal Laws, correctly,
to manifest their greatest dreams and desires.

If you missed this incredible opportunity,
last night, not to worry! I want to make sure
that you have the same opportunity as
the many people that were able to listen live.

Click the link below to listen to
the replay of our last show. It may be
the key decision that you make, that
will have the biggest impact on manifesting
your Divine Destiny:

Click Here Now

Ryan Pearson -
Personal Empowerment Coach

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Yogi Berra - Quote

"If you don't know where you're
going, you are bound to end up
somewhere else."
- Yogi Berra -

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Friday, June 27, 2008

Benjamin Disraeli - Quote

"We are all born for love. It is the
principle of existence, and its only end."

- Benjamin Disraeli -

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows

Where attention goes, energy flows
and results show.

Be very mindful of where you put your
attention. Whatever you focus on

Are you focusing on what is going
right in your life, or what is going

Are you focusing on the money that
you currently have or the lack of it?

Are you focusing on what you want
to create in life, or what is blocking
you from having it?

Pay very close attention, and check in often
on where are you putting your focus and

Remember, where you put your attention
creates energy and energy manifest your

The external results and circumstances will
match the energy vibration of what you put
your attention on.

You create your reality every second of
every day. Be very aware of where you are
focusing your attention.


Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ashleigh Brilliant - Quote

"Before I knew the best part of my life
had come, it had gone."
- Ashleigh Brilliant -

Health, Wealth and Love,

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

You Are A Limitless Being

You are a limitless being!

Your potential to manifest
what you want and to be who
you want to be is infinite.

Many of us have had our minds filled
with limited beliefs. Most people
leave this life, having only used
a very small percentage of their
complete potential.

Always remember, you playing
small doesn't do anybody any good.

When you play big, you are subconsciously
telling the people around you that it is
ok for them to play big as well.

Dream big, take chances, allow yourself
to express your true greatness! The world
needs you to!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Spiritual Suicide" - Linda Bennett

Join us on Sunday 6/22 at
8pm PST with the author
of the book 'Spiritual Suicide',
Linda Bennett.

Linda is a Master Life Coach,
Hypnotherapist, Hypnotherapy
Instructor and a Published Author.

Linda is one of my personal mentors
and teachers. She has had a profound
effect on my life. She has transformed
thousands of lives as a Healing Practitioner.

We are honored to have Linda join us
on 'Empower Hour Radio', this Sunday
6/22 at 8pm PST.

Go to:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Richard Bach - Quote

"A cloud does not know why it moves
in just such a direction and at such
speed. It feels an impulsion... this is
the place to go now. But the sky knows
the reasons and the patterns behind all
clouds, and you will know, too, when you
lift yourself high enough to see beyond the
- Richard Bach ( Illusions ) -

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's Always Your Choice

You always have the choice!

You choose whether to react or
maintain peace in any given

You choose whether to give in to the
emotions of anger, sadness, jealousy
or other unempowering emotions

You choose who you spend your time with

You choose where you spend your time

You choose the actions you take or
don't take

You choose the thoughts that you carry
in your head

You choose to love unconditionally

You choose to smile

You choose the music that you listen to

You choose what you watch on T.V.

You choose to take time to meditate or

You choose the food that you put in your body

You choose to exercise or not

You choose your friends

You choose your relationship partners

It is always your choice!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Connect With Your Spirit Guides

You are not alone! You have
Guardian Angels and Spirit
Guides who are there to
help you and guide you
to living your highest path.

Your Spirit Guides want to help
you, all you have to do is ask for
what you want.

If you are facing a decision that you
do not know what choice to make,
ask your spirit guides for guidance and

You can ask your Spirit Guides for
anything that your heart desires.
You can ask for guidance and clarity,
you can ask for better health, more money,
a loving relationship, inner peace, etc.....

There are three ways to communicate with
your Spirit Guides. The most powerful way is
through writing. The next most powerful way
is to speaking to them out loud and the
next way is through your thoughts.

Ask your Spirit Guides for help!!!

We discussed this in great detail last night,
on Empower Hour Radio, with Psychic Mentor,
Anna Robles.

Go to
and listen to the replay.

Connecting with and communicating with
your Spirit Guides can help your life flow with
ease and grace.

Go to


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Power, Love and Abundance - Chris Dines

"Power, Love and Abundance" is
the new book by author, Chris Dines,
that is transforming the world!!!

Chris Dines is one of todays most powerful
young Success Coaches. He has just released
his new book, 'Power, Love and Abundance',
this month.

I am honored to be joined by Chris Dines,
tomorrow night, 6/8, at 8pm PST, on
'Empower Hour Radio'

You do not want to miss this very powerful
interview. In just 60 minutes, tomorrow
night, you can transform your entire life

Join us live, or listen to the replay, by
going to:

We look forward to connecting with you!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Bob Proctor

The Science of Getting Rich by Bob Proctor

Thursday, June 5, 2008

William Rounseville Alger - Quote

"The wealth of a soul is measured by
how much it can feel; it's poverty by how little."

- William Rounseville Alger -

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

You Have The Power Within You.......

You have the power within you
to be, do or have anything that
your heart desires!

The only limitations are the ones
that you give yourself in your mind.

You are an infinite being with limitless
potential. Be aware of your thoughts
and the words you speak.

Are you speaking and thinking your
highest truth; or are you speaking and thinking
the thoughts and ideas of people that
you have been exposed to, growing up?

Tune into YOUR truth! Quiet your
mind and hear your inner spirit
speaking to you, the let your
spirit speak through you.

Your thoughts and words create your
reality. You are either allowing Spirit
to speak to and through you, or you
are allowing Ego to speak to and through

Be aware of the thoughts you think
and the words you speak.
