Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Law Of Least Effort

In Deepak Chopra's book
"The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success",
the fourth law is 'The Law Of Least Effort'.

There was a book by Stuart Wilde, titled
"Life Was Never Meant To Be A Struggle".
It is true, Life Was Never Meant To Be A Struggle!

It is absolutely possible to live your life and
receive happiness, success and prosperity,
with ease and grace.

You accomplish this by The Law Of Least Effort.

There are three component to applying this
amazing law:
  1. Acceptance
  2. Responsibility
  3. Defenselessness
1. Acceptance - This means to accept everything in your
life right now as perfect. Recognize the perfection in everything
and everyone. It means to see every person, place and situation
and say 'This is exactly as it should be'. Even if it is not what you
want, recognize it is happening for a higher purpose. Everything
in the Universe is perfect as it is right now.

2. Responsibility - This means to not blame anyone or anything,
including yourself, for your situation. There is opportunity in every
situation. Opportunities to grow, learn or find answers. When you
stop blaming others and stop blaming yourself for your circumstances,
that is one of the biggest steps toward your own personal empowerment,
and the end of struggle.

3. Defenselessness - This means to release your need to defend
and convince people to follow your point of view. If you encounter
resistance, know that if you force the situation, it may break. Surrender
to the moment and just let the other person be right, even if you know they
are not.

When you begin to practice and live these three components,
you begin to
reduce and release stress, anxiety and struggle
from your life. It is when you
are relaxed in the present moment,
that is when you are in the 'flow of life'
and success, prosperity
and happiness flows into your life easily and effortlessly.
