Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Help Raise The Vibrational Energy For The Collective Consciousness

I believe most people are primarily
focused on the physical form right in
front of them. Whether that physical form
be a place, thing or person.

Because of this, they see people as
separate from each other, rather
than part of the oneness. Every
thought, action and feeling that
we as individuals have affects
every single other individual.

We are NOT separate, we are one.
I know that you are a person that wants
to do good in the world and help
benefit humanity.

Do you ever feel like you just can't
do enough, there are just too many
people to help, and there is no way
you can reach them all?

Well, you can find peace in knowing
that by just helping one person,
you help everyone. And you can start
with yourself.

By helping yourself or anyone else raise
their vibrational consciousness, you
are helping to raise the vibrational
consciousness of the whole of humanity.

Continue to do what is necessary
for yourself to feel good, happy and
joyful and be open to being of service,
whenever the opportunity presents itself,
to whoever is nearest to you. By doing
this you are an active participant in
helping the evolution and atonement
of humanity.

Thank you, for shining your light
on this beautiful planet. I appreciate
you greatly : )

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Health, Wealth and Love!

Ryan Pearson
S.O.U.L. Coach


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Be Like Nature, Follow Your Natural Flow

It is necessary to start learning to practice
following your inner guidance, rather than
your logical mind. It is not always necessary
to know why you are taking a certain action
or making a certain decision, sometimes we need
to just let go, trust and have faith.

We live in a society that is very focused on
logic and mental decisions, rather than feeling.
We are all blessed with an inner guidance
system that is communicating with us through
our thoughts and impulses, moving us towards
our highest good.

Now, let me say that our mind will also trigger
thoughts and impulses that are not necessarily
inner guidance. You must develop a practice
and awareness to learn to know the difference.

Set the intention to stop over analyzing your
life and decisions. Learn to flow like the clouds,
like the water and like nature. Look at animals,
water and clouds, they do not sit and analyze
why they are moving from here to there. They
trust in a higher purpose and move with the
Universal Flow.

We have these same capabilities, but we forget
to flow from this inner guidance because we
get caught up in our logical mind. Don't
get me wrong, the logical mind has it's
place and purpose also. However, most people
use it way more than we need to.

Learn to develop and trust your intuition. Daily
meditation is the most powerful practice that you
can apply and master in your life. Daily
meditation will help you quiet the mind chatter
of your mind and allow you to hear and feel
your higher inner guidance.

Practice being like nature and attuning yourself
to the Universal Flow that is always in alignment
with your highest good. We are more than our
logical minds and self identification, we are
one with the all creative source, we are one
with the Universe.

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Health, Wealth and Love!

Ryan Pearson
S.O.U.L. Coach


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How Can You Express Love In This Present Moment?

Do not let your unmet expectations take away from the glory of this moment. If things do not appear what you wanted or what you expected, ask yourself:

How can I make the most of this present moment right now?

How can I most express love and live my Highest Purpose in this moment right here and now?

It does not matter what circumstances you face, there is always an opportunity to express love and live your Highest Purpose....

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Health, Wealth and Love!

Ryan Pearson
S.O.U.L. Coach


Monday, May 10, 2010

Allow Your Emotions To Be Felt And Expressed Freely

What a gift it is to be able to feel.
The emotions of love, joy and compassion
fuel the soul and breathe life into
our very existence.

For many people the level to which they
feel has diminished over the years.
After years of disappointments, broken
hearts, stress and all of the
other heart aches built up over time.

People begin to build up walls and
emotional barriers to protect themselves.
We lose that freedom we had when we
first entered this human experience,
to just feel what we feel, without thought,
judgment and without reservation...

Close your eyes and take some deep breathes.
Imagine a time when you were able to feel
freely, when you allowed yourself to just
be in the moment. Imagine a time when you
felt so much love and gratitude that it
overtook your spirit and brought tears
to your eyes.

Allow yourself to feel those emotions again.
Feel them deeply and fully. Allow whatever
reactions your body has to them to happen.
Don't block the tears, allow them to flow.
Cry, if you feel compelled. Release your
feelings, allow them to journey and
flow through your entire being.

I encourage you to start practicing
your self awareness. Practice becoming aware
of when you are living in the moment freely and
allowing your feelings to flow. Notice
when you are blocking and stuffing your
feelings, to protect yourself or 'not
appear weak'.

One of our greatest obstacles to deeply feeling our
emotions, is our Ego. The Ego is the one that tries
to 'Protect Us' by causing us to build walls and
stuff our feelings. Learn how to have your Ego
take a back seat in your life and allow your
Spirit to take the driver's seat in your life.

Enjoy this article, titled 'Spirit, Ego and Law Of Attraction'...,-Ego-and-Law-of-Attraction&id=2568673

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Health, Wealth and Love!

Ryan Pearson
S.O.U.L. Coach


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Inspirational Quote - Naquib Mqhfou

"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions." - Naquib Mqhfou -

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Health, Wealth and Love!

Ryan Pearson
S.O.U.L. Coach


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Create A Clear Vision Of Your Ideal Life

You must be very clear on what it is you
want in life and what you want your life
to look like, or you will "create by default"
and end up somewhere else.

It is our subconscious mind that creates our
reality. Our subconscious mind communicates
to to the Universe and causes creation to

Our subconscious is constantly being programmed.
It was programmed the most when were between the
ages of 2 and 6 years old. So most of our core
beliefs and way of seeing the world were planted
when we were children.

By writing down your ideal life
in detail, you begin to reprogram your
subconscious mind.

Four very powerful ways that the mind is programmed
is audibly, verbally, kinestetically and visually.

That is why writing affirmations or writing what
you want is so powerful. Because your are combining
the kinestetics with the visual.

Visualization alone is very very powerful. That
is why vision boards are so effective. If you
have seen the movie "The Secret", they recommend
creating a vision board.

I would highly recommend that you create a vision
board, for yourself, that clearly illustrates
what your ideal life looks like.

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Health, Wealth and Love!

Ryan Pearson
S.O.U.L. Coach


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Who You Become Is More Important Than Where You Arrive

So many people are so focused on what
they want to get or where they want to
go, they miss the importance of their
journey and who they are becoming.

The greatest things about goals is not
what we achieve or receive, it is who
we become in the journey to our goals.

We attract what is in vibrational harmony
with who we are. In order to attract new
people, things or circumstances we have
change who we are.

To reach your goals, you must become the
person that is a vibrational match for what
it is that you want. If you desire goals
that are above and beyond where you
currently are, then you must grow to
the level where your goals reside.

This is such a beautiful thing! Your
goals and desires serve a very valuable
purpose, because they push you to strive
to be better. When you strive to be
better, you automatically become better.

You can absolutely live your ideal life....
by becoming your ideal self.

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Health, Wealth and Love!

Ryan Pearson
S.O.U.L. Coach
