Sunday, April 18, 2010

Who You Become Is More Important Than Where You Arrive

So many people are so focused on what
they want to get or where they want to
go, they miss the importance of their
journey and who they are becoming.

The greatest things about goals is not
what we achieve or receive, it is who
we become in the journey to our goals.

We attract what is in vibrational harmony
with who we are. In order to attract new
people, things or circumstances we have
change who we are.

To reach your goals, you must become the
person that is a vibrational match for what
it is that you want. If you desire goals
that are above and beyond where you
currently are, then you must grow to
the level where your goals reside.

This is such a beautiful thing! Your
goals and desires serve a very valuable
purpose, because they push you to strive
to be better. When you strive to be
better, you automatically become better.

You can absolutely live your ideal life....
by becoming your ideal self.

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Health, Wealth and Love!

Ryan Pearson
S.O.U.L. Coach
