Friday, May 8, 2009

What is success for YOU?

Everybody has their own definition of what
success is. I know for me being able to do
what I want to do in life is one of the
biggest keys to success.

How about you? What is success for you?

I encourage you to take a pad and paper,
sit down and get quiet. Write in great
detail what success is for you.

So many people always say I want to be successful.
If you are not clear on exactly what success is
for you, then The Universe will not know how to
bring success into your life. You must be clear!

Is doing what you want to do in your daily
life a part of being successful? If so,
how can you start doing what you want to
do, even if on a small scale, in your
everyday life?

I encourage you to set the intention and make
a strong effort to take time every day and
follow your inner flow and do what you 'feel'
like doing.

Do your best to free yourself from the 'shoulds'
of your life and follow your heart doing what you
want to do.

And furthermore, set the intention to find a way
to do what you want to do in your career, as well.
Set aside your excuses and reasons why you can't and
start asking your Higher Self - "How Can I?".

You are invited to read an article that I wrote that will
explore this concept further. The article is titled
'Defining the difference between true happiness and success'

Read now at:

Ryan Pearson
Personal Empowerment Coach