Monday, March 24, 2008

The Magic Of Synergy

As one person, you may be very powerful.

Connect yourself with one more, your power

We were put here to connect with others and to
recognize the oneness that we all are.

We are all one.

When you align yourself with another or
others, who are around the same vibrational
match as you, your own personal power
increases exponentially, and so does

Whether it's a romantic partner, a business
partner or a friend, you have the opportunity
to express more of your potential when
you synergize with another.

It is important, however, that you connect with
someone that is in alignment with your purpose,
your integrity and your vibrational level.

Before you make any kind of commitment with
someone make sure that they are in alignment
with your purpose, integrity and vibrational level.

The right partner can catapult you to greatness.
The wrong partner can pull you down to struggle.
